Guide to Utility Radio Stations 2025-2026
By Joerg Klingenfuss. The author's 55 years of expertise brings you the world's best guide to non-broadcast stations in the range of 0 to 150 kHz and from 1.6 to 30 MHz. Aero, maritime, military, diplomatic, time stations and more. Covers SSB, CW, AM and exhaustive RTTY (including all the latest modes). The beginning chapters offer an education on monitoring international HF comm traffic. Includes 9,307 frequency listings. There is also a cross listing by country. Extensive coverage of meteorological radiofax and radiotelex schedules. Again includes more fascinating screenshots from the world leader in advanced digital data transmission and teleprinter systems monitoring and decoding. A handy index lists 1,600 stations in 250 countries for rapid access. Plus: Meteorological radiofax/radiotelex stations. Worldwide NAVTEX schedules of navigational and meteorological warnings on 424, 428.6, 486, 490, and 518 kHz. International call sign series. NATO Routing Indicator system. Name and traffic abbreviations and signals. Q- and Z- code groups. Phonetic alphabet and figure code. SINPO and SINPFEMO codes. Designation of emissions. Classes of stations. Terms and definitions. Aeronautical and Maritime Mobile Service frequency allocation plans. Only this guidebook gives you hundreds of brand new frequencies and screenshots! We recommend this title as the very best of its type. Now published every two years. Thousands changes from the last edition! 33rd Edition. ©December 2024. 544 pages.
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