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Books: General Radio-Electronics 


Raspberry Pi for Dummies

By Sean McManus. Here is a comprehensive guide to this exciting technology, fully updated to align with the Rev 3 board. Veteran technology authors provide expert insight and guidance that get you up and running fast, allowing you to explore the full capabilities of your Raspberry Pi. The clear, concise style makes this guide easy to follow for complete beginners, providing step-by-step instruction throughout the setup process and into systems administration and programming. Updated information includes coverage of Noobs, PiStore and making music with SonicPi, in addition to basic Raspberry Pi operations and features. The seconnd Edition teaches you everything you need to know to get the most out of your device. Even if you've never ventured beyond e-mail and web browsers, this guide will give you the skills and confidence you need to take advantage of everything the Raspberry Pi has to offer.
• Find out how to install the operating system and connect to other devices
• Install, use and remove software like a pro
• Learn basic Linux systems administration
• Program with Scratch, Python and Minecraft on your Raspberry Pi

Wiley 456 pages. Second Edition November 2014. List price $24.95. Click here to view back cover.

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