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Icom IC-R71A
Shortwave Receiver


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Icom R71A

The Icom IC-R71A utilizes a DFM (direct feed mixer) to make the R71A virtually immune to interference from strong adjacent signals. This, coupled with a 100 dB dynamic range, means solid performance for the casual listener or serious DXer. The receiver system is a multi-mode, quadruple conversion superheterodyne covering 100 kHz to 30 MHz with a CPU controlled, 10 Hz step VFO with 100 Hz display resolution. Advanced features include:  Pass Band Tuning, IF notch, adjustable AGC, adjustable noise blanker and built-in preamplifier. The R71A also hosts a variety of user conveniences including two independent VFOs (tuners), dial lock, squelch, tone and direct keypad entry. A 32 channel scanning, tunable memory that stores frequency, VFO and mode is also built into the R71A. The rear panel has two, selectable antenna inputs:  SO-239 jack and Hi-Z wire input. The top panel features a built-in speaker, plus there is an external antenna jack on the rear panel The R71A boasts even more features than the earlier R70.
(Special note:  The Pass Band Tuning feature did not appear in all production units).

Order # Item Description Price Order
  CR-64 High Stability. Improves stability to ±10Hz @1 hour. VIEW Discontinued
  CK-70 DC kit permits operation from a 12 VDC source. Discontinued
  RC-11 Infrared Remote Control. INFO Discontinued
  EX-310 Voice Synthesizer announces the frequency in a female voice. INFO Discontinued
  EX-257 FM Option (For FM shortwave reception only) Discontinued
  FL-44A SSB Filter (2.4 kHz -6dB) Discontinued
  FL-32A CW Filter (500 Hz -6dB) Discontinued
  FL-63A CW Filter (250 Hz -6dB) Discontinued
  MB-12 Mobile mounting bracket Discontinued
  SP-3 External speaker. INFO Discontinued
  UX-14 CI-IV/CI-V Level Converter. INFO Discontinued
  IBS WP-R71A International Broadcast Services  I.B.S. Whitepaper  by Larry Magne
An exhaustive technical analysis, review and rating of this receiver.
  70051 Covercraft dust cover. Discontinued

Copyright 2004-2020, Universal Radio, Inc.

#0000 84 D[1100]800/600 Q290/390 JP 12/20 _