Hammarlund HQ-215 Discontinued!
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Discontinued Amateur Receivers | ||||||
The Hammarlund HQ-215 solid-state receiver provides complete ham band coverage from 80 to 10 meters plus has provision for 13 optional crystals providing 200 kHz segments from 3.4 to 30.2 MHz. The linear analog display provides 200 Hz dial accuracy on all bands. The dual conversion circuit employs 26 transistors, 13 diodes and 2 zener regulators. Modes of reception include: USB, LSB, CW and AM. A 2.1 kHz mechanical filter is installed as standard. Optional filters are available for AM and CW. Audio output is 3.2 ohms (and 500 ohms). This radio does not have a built-in speaker. 117/234 VAC 19W or 12-15 VDC. 15.8 x 6.8 x 14 inches 21 lbs. The Hammarund HQ-225 was to be a shortwave listener version, but only reached the prototype stage.
Copyright 2005-2016, Universal Radio, Inc. 67-69 D 530/400 Q000/000 US 09/16 |