Sony ICF-6800W
Shortwave Receiver


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Sony ICF-6800W

The Sony ICF-6800W sophisticated worldband receiver covering AM, FM (87.5-180 MHz) and complete shortwave coverage 1.6-30 MHz. The radio has both analog and digital displays. This dual conversion, superheterodyne circuit employs quartz-crystal PLL synthesized tuning and LED display (except FM). Features include:  S-Meter, AFC, Bass & Treble, Wide/Narrow Selectivity, Memo Lamp and BFO for Single Side Band and Morse code. Jacks are provided for headphones, earphone, record output and timer input. May be operated from 110/120/220/240 VAC or six D cells. Antenna jacks are available on the rear panel (SO-239 and terminals).

The Sony ICF-6800W with orange model printing on the front panel indicates later production with improvements. Physical:  18 x 7.5 x 9.25 inches 12 lbs.

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Copyright 2005-2016, Universal Radio, Inc.

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