Galaxy R-1530 Discontinued!
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Discontinued Shortwave Receivers |
The Hy-gain Galaxy R-1530 is a communications receiver providing continuous coverage from 100 kHz to 30 MHz in AM, USB and LSB modes. Frequency accuracy is 1 kHz over any of the 500 kHz tuning bands. A 2.1 kHz filter is supplied as standard. A 500 Hz CW and 6 kHz AM filter are options. This radio features a Noise Blanker, Attenuator, AF/RF Meter and AVC Fast/Slow. The rear panel has 8 and 600 ohm audio output. 17 x 6 x 14" 25 lbs. 115/230 VAC 50-60 Hz 24W or 18 VDC max. |
Copyright 2014, Universal Radio, Inc. #XXXX 72-73 D1090/1090 Q000/000 US 11/14 |