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Drake RV75
Synthesized VFO


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Drake RV75

The Drake RV75 is a synthesized remote VFO designed for use with 5-Line and 7-Line transceivers and receivers including the R7. The RV-75 provides a high degree of frequency control flexibility with crystal controlled frequency stability. The RV-75 output frequency is synthesized in 10 Hz increments for smooth frequency control without jumps and the weighted flywheel of the optical shaft encoder provides a smooth solid feel.

The RV-75 also provides for two fixed frequencies [A and B], in addition to the tuned frequency. The fixed frequencies are programmed by DIP switches accessible from the rear panel. The RIT function allows the receiver to be offset from the transmitter at ± 200 Hz.

Order # Item Description Price Order
  1544 RV-75/R-7 interface adapter. VIEW Discontinued

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