Drake SW4A Discontinued!
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Discontinued Broadcast Receivers | ||||||||||||||
The Drake SW4A blends tube and solid-state technology to provide an easy-to-use high performance shortwave broadcast receiver. Supplied coverage includes: 0.15-0.5, 0.485-1.05, 0.95-1.55, 5.95-6.55, 6.95-7.55, 9.45-10.05, 11.45-12.05, 14.95-15.45, 17.45-18.05, 21.45-22.05 and 25.45-26.05 MHz in the AM mode (no SSB or CW). This radio has an S-meter and 1/4 inch headphone jack. The dial accuracy is ± 3 kHz. 10.75 x 5.5 x 12.25 inches 16 lbs.
Copyright 2006-2020 Universal Radio, Inc. #XXXX 67 D335/290 Q280/400 US 01/20 _ |