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Hallicrafters SX-111
Amateur Receiver


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Hallicrafters SX-111

The Hallicrafters SX-111 amateur band receiver tunes these ranges:  3.5-4, 7-7.3, 14-14.4, 21-21.5, 28-29.7 MHz and WWV 10 MHz. Features include:   ¼" Headphone Jack, AVC ON/OFF, Calibrator 100 kHz, RF Gain, ANL, Mute Line, Antenna Trimmer, Notch, Pointer Reset, BFO, Speaker Terminals, Standby and 48:1 Tuning Ratio.

The circuit consists of:  6DC6 RF Amp, 6BY6 1st Mixer, 6CB6 1650 kHz IF Amp, 6DC6 50.75 kHz IF Amp, 6BJ7 Detector/AVC/ANL, 6C4 1st Osc, 5Y3GT Rectifier, 0A2 Regulator, 12AX7 Audio Amp/BFO, 6AQ5A Audio Out, 6BA6 2nd Mixer, 6AU6 Crystal Calibrator and 12AT7 2nd Converter Osc. 105-125 VAC 50-60 Hz 75W. 18.75 x 8.8 x 10.2" 36 Lbs. Matches nicely with the HT-37 transmitter.

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#XXXX 60-63 D280/250 Q140/200 US 10/15