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AvMap G4T
Car Navigation System


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AvMap G5

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  AvMap G4T

The AvMap G4T car navigator is your smart driving assistant for your business and leisure trips throughout North America. The 2 GB Secure Digital card is preloaded with the US Tele Atlas. This provides high coverage cartography which you can view in 2D or 3D mode. A Canadian/Alaskan map on DVD is included in the box. The AvMap G4T is practical and easy to use with built-in battery, built-in GPS antenna and remote control with full alphanumeric keyboard. Consult the map safely thanks to the large, ultra bright 5 inch diagonal display. The G4T is APRS ready NMEA 0183. A Kenwood-ready cable is provided for quick and easy connection to the Kenwood TH-D7AG or TM-D700A. Easy serial interfacing to the Kenwood TM-D700A and TH-D7AG is supported with full bi-directional capabilities allowing call sign display (WPL) on the Geosat screen. A USB port is provided for software upgrades. Operates from 10-35 VDC with supplied power cord or via built-in Li-Ion rechargeable battery.

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