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West Mountain Radio
RigTalk RT1

USB Controller

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The West Mountain Radio RigTalk rig control interface does everything the Icom CT-17 does for about 1/3 the price and without the requirement for a serial port. We have three of the models left in stock. Each includes the cable:
  RigTalk RT1/DB9 for radios with RS-232 DB9 port.
  RigTalk RT1/CAT6 for some older Yaesu CAT radios with 6 pin DIN.
  RigTalk RT1/CAT for some Yaesu CAT radios with 6 pin mini DIN.

We also have the following cables sold separately:


Order # Item Description Price Order
   RIG CONT C Icom/Ten-Tec VI-V Rig control cable.
(Formerly called CIV/CBL).
#4799 CATMINI/CBL Yaesu TTL CAT control cable. FT100/100D/817/857/897. $7.98 Order
#3210 CAT/6D/CBL Yaesu TTL CAT control cable. FT736/747/767/980/990/1000/1000D.  VIEW $9.98 Order

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