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Bonito RadioCom
SDR Integration

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Bonito RadioCom 6 - SDR Integration:
Software defined radios are increasingly popular, but sometimes the supplied software is not optimal. Bonito starts now to implement SDR radios in that way that the owner really can use his SDR. The new Bonito BandWatch gives you the feeling of having more than one radio. Each of the four BandWatch-Controls can have a different modulation and decoder. You can receive, for example, four different SSTV images simultaneously.

SDR models currently supported include:
WiNRADiO G3: G303i / e, 313i / e, 305i / e, 315i / e / G31DDC Excalibur
Microtelecom: Perseus
RF-Space: SDR-IQ / SDR 14
Funkamateur: FA-SDR
SAT-Schneider: DTR-1
Elektor: Elektor
CG-Antenna: CG-SDR

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