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Collins 32S-1
Amateur Transmitter


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Collins 32S-1

The Collins 32S-1 is a high quality amateur band transmitter featuring CW, LSB and USB modes. Frequency ranges:  3.4-3.6, 3.6-3.8, 3.8-4, 7-7.2, 7.2-7.4, 14-14.2, 14.2-14.4, 14.8-15, 21-21.2, 21.2-21.4, 21.4-21.6 and 28.5-28.7 MHz plus 2 additional 200 kHz positions for 28-29.7 MHz and one additional position for a 200 kHz band in the 9.5-15 MHz range. Power input is 175 watts PEP on SSB, 160 watts on CW. Power output is 100 watts PEP nominal (slightly lower on 10 meters). Features include:  multi-function meter, crystal controlled high frequency oscillator, automatic load control, and a highly accurate analog display with Fiduciary Adjust.

The 32S-1 matches the Collins 75S-1 receiver. Requires a power supply such as optional 516F-2. 14.75 x 7 5x 11.8 inches 20 Lbs.

Item Description Your Price
  30S-1 Linear Amplifier INFO Discontinued
312B-3 Speaker INFO Discontinued
399B-4 Novice Adapter INFO Discontinued
312B-4 Station Console INFO Discontinued
516E-1 Mobile DC power supply 12VDC input INFO Discontinued
516E-2 Mobile DC power supply 28VDC input INFO Discontinued
516F-2 Base Power Supply 115 VAC INFO Discontinued

Copyright 2008-2011, Universal Radio, Inc.

#XXXX 60-61 D000/000 Q350/450 US 01/11