Drake TR-6
Amateur 6M Transceiver


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Discontinued Amateur VHF Transceivers 

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Drake TR6

The Drake TR-6 is a 6 meter amateur band transceiver operating in USB, LSB, CW and AM modes. The coverage is 49.4 to 54 MHz in nine overlaping ranges. Input power is 300 watts PEP SSB, 300 watts AM/SSB and 260 watts CW. Selectivity is 2.4 kHz with three other optional positions available. An effective Noise Blanker is standard. There is also built in PTT, VOX, Anti-Vox and 100 kHz calibrator. Metering is provided for: ALC, S-Meter, Transmitter Plate Current, Relative RF Output Power. AGC may be selected at Fast or Slow. The right side panel has jacks for headphones, mic input and key, plus adjustments for VOX Gain, Anti-VOX gain and S-Meter. 10.75 x 5.6 x 16.2 inches 16 lbs.

The Drake TR-4 is a similar radio, but with traditional HF coverage of 160 through 10 meters.

Order # Item Description Price Order
  9-NB Noise Blanker INFO Discontinued
  AC-4 Power supply 110/220 VAC. [1501] Discontinued
  DC-4 Power supply 12 VDC. [1505] Discontinued
  FF-1 Fixed frequency adapter [1315] Discontinued
  MMK-3 Mobile mounting bracket Discontinued
  MC-4 Mobile console INFO Discontinued
  MS-4 External speaker [1511] Discontinued
  RV-6 External VFO with speaker. INFO Discontinued
  WV-4 Directional RF Wattmeter 20 - 200 MHz 1000 watts. [1515] INFO Discontinued

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