Yaesu FT-480R
2 Meter Multi-Mode
Mobile Transceiver



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Features | Accessories

Yaesu FT-480R

  • SSB/CW/FM Mode
  • 10 Hz CW/SSB Steps
  • S Meter
  • Memory Scan

The Yaesu FT-480R is a multi-mode 2 meter transceiver. Modes include FM, CW and SSB. The output power is 30 watts SSB PEP, 30 watts CW and 30 watts FM. Coverage is 144-148 MHz. CW/SSB steps are: 10 Hz, 100 Hz or 1 kHz. FM steps are: 1 kHz, 20 kHz or 100 kHz. The front controls are laid out for easy mobile operation. This radio requires 3 amps at 13.8 VDC. (180x60x240mm)

The Yaesu FT-680R is similar to the FT-480R but covers 6 meters (50-53.99 MHz) instead of 2 meters. The output power is 20 watts SSB PEP, 20 watts CW, 20 watts FM and 8 watts AM.

The Yaesu FT-780R is similar to the FT-480R but covers 70 cm instead of 2 meters. This version was available with either 430-439.99 MHz or 440-449.99 MHz coverage. The output power is 30 watts SSB PEP, 30 watts CW and 30 watts FM. Requires 4 amps.

Order # Item Description List Price Your Price Order
  FP-80A AC Power supply. VIEW Discontinued
  FTS-64E CTCSS/Burst decoder. Discontinued
  SC-1 Station console. Discontinued
  YM-34 Desk microphone. Discontinued
  YM-38 Desk microphone with scanning switches. Discontinued
  YM-40 Hand microphone with DTMF. Discontinued

Copyright 2010, Universal Radio, Inc.

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