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Yaesu HRI-200
Internet Linking System

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Yaesu HRI-200

The Yaesu HRI-200 Internet Linking System uses the WIRES™ - Wide-Coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System. Since WIRES™ was announced at the 2002 Dayton Hamvention, the system has evolved into a much more versatile system, known as WIRES™-II. The third generation WiRES-X technology was introduced in 2014, supports both Analog and the new C4FM Digital radio communications mode. The HRI-200 is the inexpensive path into WIRES-X.

Systems features include:
- WIRES-X supports both Analog and the new C4FM Digital radio communications mode.
- WIRES-X allows communications between both C4FM digital stations and conventional FM stations via WIRES-X
- High quality voice communication is achieved by repeating C4FM digital data as it is via the Internet.
- WIRES ID: Adopted a simple user ID system using alphanumeric characters.
- Smart Access: WIRES-X automatically connects to nodes and rooms by utilizing the Smart Access function. (Digital node station only)
- Preset Serach: User can find local node station and receive their frequency setting data for automatic setup. (Digital node station only)
- Activity Monitor: IDs of active nodes and rooms can be searched from the C4FM transceiver via a local node. (Digital node station only)
- News Station: Stores and reads digital data such as text, images and audio data. (Digital node station only)
- WIRES-X provides everything that is needed to maintain a node or room for use by members only.
- Easy setup: Opening ports on the router also can be accomplished by using uPnP standards on uPnP capable routers.
- HRI-200 supports Analog FM mobile transceiver for Analog node station as well as Digital node station with FTM-400D.
- DR-1X repeater support will be available in early 2015 with a DR-1X firmware update.

Supplied accessories include:  USB Cable, Data Cable Mini-DIN 10pin-10pin (CT-174), Data Cable Mini-DIN 10pin-6pin (CT-175), WIRES-X setup disk (CD) and operating manual. 4.4" x 1.0" x 5.2" 12 oz. This device is USB bus powered (+5.0 VDC ±5% neg. ground 130 mA max, 30 mA TYP).

Order # Item Description Price Order
  CT-174 USB & Data MDIN10 to MDIN10 cable. Not in stock
  CT-175 USB & Data MDIN10 to MDIN 6 cable. Not in stock

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