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Universal Customer Cat Bios  

Friend: Jon- USA
You'd never guess it to look at her, but Junior (or J.R.) is actually a senior, having been born in 1994. She and her adorable brother Francis (who sadly is no longer with us) came to live with me when they were small kittens. J.R. loves the comfort and predictability of the indoors, though she also enjoys the periodic outdoor excursion, provided the leash is left with enough slack that she feels in control (as shown in these photos from Nov. 2012). An extremely affectionate and vocal cat, Junior will carry on lengthy "conversations" with her human pals. Moreover, when she finds a window of opportunity, she will attempt to groom her human friends' hair, employing her fore-paws (and claws!) to keep her friend's head stationary! Though her photos are posted here on the Universal Radio website, J.R. is no fan of the radio hobby, since she likes to always be the center of attention!

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